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  • Parks
  • Szépasszony Valley

Szépasszony Valley

Szépasszonyvölgy, Eger 3303, Hungary


Vállalkozás adatai

The Szépasszony Valley Eger is the most extensive, connected wine cellar area. In the past centuries, the valley of Szépasszony Valley, which is close to 200 cellars, has been closely linked to the reputation of the Eger wines. Eger and the cellars in its surroundings, with a few exceptions, are cellar pits cut into rhyolite tuff. The rhyolite tuff can be perfectly shaped, keeping the wine at a constant temperature of 10-15 ° C. They are a special type, unlike those used in the lowland, although underground, but in brick or stone-vaulted cellars, or in the wine cellars or harrows of the Transylvanian wine-growing areas built above the ground. The significant difference between the mentioned Transdanubian and Northern Hungarian forms is that while the wine house was the first cavity carved into the ground in Eger and its surroundings, while the wine storage and maturation of the wine cellar, which was only later contributed to the formation of the wine cellars. the wine house.



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Szépasszonyvölgy, Eger 3303, Hungary
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