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Siófok Water Tower

Fő tér, Siófok 8600, Hungary

Vállalkozás adatai

The water tower was built in 1912 and initially really played a big role in the water supply. It was rebuilt in 1935 according to the design of Kurz Limited Liability Company. From 1944 the waterworks was not in operation. During World War II, it housed a German artillery observation station and was then damaged by the bullets of an anti-tank gun. The restorations took place in 1946. Until 1953, it was owned by the village and operated as a public utility, then it became a company. The role of the water tower in water supply lasted until the 1970s, then stood empty until the early 1990s. From 1992, it hosted, among other things, the Tourinform office. In 1998, the interior was rebuilt but not externally renovated. This year, the state handed it over to the municipality. Its second floor has been home to a panoramic terrace and an exhibition hall since 2001. In the fall of 2001, the Tourinform office moved in, the tower closed its doors, awaiting renovation. In 2002, its renovation became urgent. It took several years to pull the tug on the renovation, and finally in 2010 its renovation began.
Forrás: Wikipedia



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Fő tér, Siófok 8600, Hungary
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