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Madách Színház

31 Erzsébet körút, Budapest 1073, Hungary

Vállalkozás adatai

In the fall of 1908, the newspapers reported on the following event: a new Royal Orpheum was being built in the heart of the capital, at Erzsébet krt. 31 and in the area of ​​the large block of buildings on Hársfa Street. The construction was based on the plans of architect Bertalan Gaál, commissioned by Hermann Keleti and Oszkár Fodor.

The theater operates in a repertory system. He has several big musicals on his show at the same time. These pieces can be seen for years and produce series of hundreds.

The shows are preceded by a long preparation, the actors are selected through nationwide auditions. The vast majority of the works to be presented are independently arranged, with an independent artistic approach, so-called are performed in a non-replica performance.

The activities of the Madách Theater are surrounded by domestic and international success and recognition. The theater holds nearly 350 performances every year, in the presence of around 500,000 domestic and foreign spectators.

Source: Wikipedia, madachszinhaz.hu



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31 Erzsébet körút, Budapest 1073, Hungary

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