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  • Pubs
  • Hörpintő söröző

Hörpintő söröző

50 Lőrincz utca, Budapest 1041, Hungary

Vállalkozás adatai

An old-fashioned, slightly shabby cheap pub with brown paneling, retro wallpaper, posters, high elbows, small press tables, air conditioning, TV, a chandelier with a fan on the ceiling, Hungarian and UTE flags, and Újpest stickers everywhere as far as the fans' hands can reach. The average age of the guests is well over 50, the beer tap is Arany Ászok, 1 dl of wine is available for under 100 forints, and even half a glass is 5 cents, including Kevert, which we drank here for some reason, even though it was never good. A piece of worn-out history, which belongs to suburban workers, of course it has a completely different face, strictly on match days.
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50 Lőrincz utca, Budapest 1041, Hungary

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