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Nagybányai út, Budapest 1025, Hungary

Vállalkozás adatai

Budapest II. district, in the southern part of the Nyék district, is a spectacular rock formation jutting out to the southwest of the main block of the 376-meter-high Látó-hegy. The cliff is a dolomite lump that rises above the lipot field section of the deep valley of the Ördög trench, with a wall-like, steep slope. It is located southwest of Kőkapu, 242 meters high. It got its name from the former owner of the area, under which there was once the Lipótmeze restaurant and the Apáthy-major; the latter was located on the southeastern edge of the Vadaskert forest, Kondor utca 5–7. under no.

The surface of the Apáthy rock has been a nature conservation area of ​​local importance since 1977 (20/14/TT/77). The size of the protected area is 5,745 hectares, its borders are Nagybányai út, Madár utca, Páfrányliget utca and Görgényi út. From the top of the rock, the hiker can enjoy a beautiful view of the city.

Source: Wikipedia



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Nagybányai út, Budapest 1025, Hungary

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